Jennifer Creedon

My name is Jennifer Creedon, I’m a registered Nutritional Therapist. My passion for health and wellness began in my 20’s when I started to suffer from IBS and recurrent migraines. I visited a Naturopath when living in Australia to explore alternative solutions as I was not improving with treatment using the traditional healthcare model. After cleaning up my diet and starting some supplements and herbs, I was amazed by the transformation in my energy levels and overall wellbeing. This experience changed the course of my life. It was then I began to gain an understanding of how imbalances in the body can lead to illness and inflammation which further inspired me to become a Nutritional Therapist. I offer a true holistic approach to my clients health and wellbeing. I am very passionate about helping people improve their lives, so please get in touch with me to learn more and start building a healthier you.  
email:  -  phone: 083 855 9891  -  facebook: @jennifercreedonnt

Conor Delaney

Conor believes psychotherapy is a powerful journey of self-discovery. He approaches the work non-judgmentally and with compassion, creating a warm, empathic and challenging environment for a strong therapeutic relationship that promotes empowerment and change.

With a genuine interest in providing a collaborative and integrated approach, Conor is furthering his education with an MSc in Pluralistic Psychotherapy. Pluralistic psychotherapy is a collaborative and integrative approach, rooted in humanistic and person-centred values. Its core premise is that each client is unique, and therefore may need different things from therapy. With this in mind, pluralistic psychotherapy seeks to create a framework in which practitioners can integrate a wide variety of schools of thought and methods into their practice. Collaborative decision making is a key element of the pluralistic approach: talking to clients about what they want from therapy, and how they might most effectively be helped to get there. Conor believes ​that by continually developing as a therapist and counsellor he will continue to provide an outstanding level of care to his clients.

email:  -  phone: 086 1029351

Anne Doyle

My path to becoming a therapist started with a degree in Psychology, followed by a degree in Counselling & Psychotherapy.  Then while building my private therapy practice I completed a Masters in Women's Studies with UCD.  I was fortunate to be given space to rent in two therapy centres in the Phibsborough area of Dublin 7  (the then Dubhlinn centre and in The Healing House)  and went full-time with my therapy work.  These gave me the opportunity to build my practice over the years, all the while exploring different aspects of therapy through ongoing workshops and trainings.  These experiences also helped me develop the dream of running a therapy centre myself, supporting other therapists to develop their practice and helping build the energy that comes when like-minded therapists come together in one space.  In 2017, the opportunity became real and I began the work of creating this space at 256 Swords Road, finally opening in June 2019.    The atmosphere and character of the therapy space continues to develop, although many who visited in the early days in 2019 also said the building already felt welcoming then and had a lovely energy.  It is my pleasure to work to develop that welcoming atmosphere for therapists and clients.  See more information on my background on
email:  -  phone:  086 6623774

Celine Keogh

Underpinning Philosophy: I hold a love of and curiosity in life and the belief in the inherent well-being and potential for change and possibilities for people. My practice focuses on mind body interactions and is an embodied psychotherapy, with a humanistic psychodynamic approach. Our work together will involve compassionate enquiry, contemplative and embodied practices (quietening the mind, working on the felt sense, what is happening within self, sometimes the use of movement). Through this exploration and working together in therapy, healing and change can take place. Therapy sessions are designed to explore painful issues in client’s life and to provide understanding and insight, where change can happen.

webpage:  -  email:  

phone:   085 736 2097

Brian Peoples

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle and non-invasive therapy which evaluates , enhances and treats the functioning of a physiological system called the Craniosacral system. The Craniosacral system comprises of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and the spinal cord. Using gentle and non-invasive techniques to correct both sutural restrictions within the cranial bones and membranous restrictions , the functioning of the Craniosacral system is enhanced which supports and improves the functioning of the nervous system. By supporting , facilitating and complementing the body's self - corrective processes CST is used as a preventative health measure, and is effective for a wide range of conditions and medical problems including structural imbalances and dysfunction within the neck and cranium and spine to conditions relating to stress and trauma. Craniosacral Therapy is also a widely used resource in the area of Paediatric and Obstetric care. 
webpage:  -  email:  -  phone: 086 190 2326

Thirupal Ragi

Thirupal is a qualified  chartered physiotherapist with 20 years experience including 14 years in Primary Care Services (Home Visits and Musculoskeletal Services) in the Irish Health Care Sector and  6 years in Raju Hospital, India.

Thirupal has assessed and treated a variety of problems including a wide range of neurological, orthopedic, and musculoskeletal conditions. He is equipped with the skills and capacity to design, deliver and evaluate safe and effective exercise programs to prevent, manage and treat both fundamental and complex medical conditions. He encourages clients to manage and control their health autonomously through his acquired skills and existing knowledge. Thirupal works with a mindful and attentive approach, identifying the cause of your problem and establishing a complete assessment and treatment plan based on your provided information and physical presentation.  He discusses your treatment plan and options, creates a personalised plan with you to suit your needs and aims to restore your functional movements and capacity to return to your day-to-day routine.

Thirupal has been engaged in updating his professional knowledge and obtaining new professional skills by participating in ongoing modules of evidence-based practice through continuous professional development, maintaining the standards of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists and the standards of CORU - Register of Physiotherapists.

webpage:   -   email:   -   tel:  086 3181425  /   083 0985073